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Sunday, September 11, 2011



Dog Blog Post #443: Wow - a toughie today for the Daily Shoot...

Make a photograph that conveys a somber or respectful mood today.

... especially given the significance of the day. So many lives lost, so many people affected.

I almost skipped this assignment, worried that some folks might take offense. I wished I had bought the book about the canine hero's of 9/11 (I read it from the library instead) as that would have created a more fitting tribute.

But as the morning wore on, and I finished the morning paper, I decided to give it a try. Then I polled hubby and child (something I rarely do) to get their opinion on what to upload.

In the end, the one up top was chosen. I think it best met "respectful".

My personal favorite was the shot below...


... for the simple reason that it's the first time I've been able to use the "hidden cookie" trick to guide Henry's head. (It's tucked next to his paw under the flower).

I think the best "portrait" was this one...


... because we all know it's nearly impossible to get the best of all pictures in ONE picture!

And a Scavenge Challenge shot...

5) Show us the end of a day with a sunset or some way to relax, etc. Go for mood!

End of the Day

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I loved all three of the shots, and I don't know how I'd have chosen one from the three of them! I think all three are respectful, and Henry is a modeling pro now!

    Love that sunset! I don't want to hear any more complaints about you not having sunsets!

  2. They are such sweet photos. Nice job.

  3. The second one gets my vote. Very nice tribute.

  4. Very beautiful photos. I think #2 was my favorite.
