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Friday, September 9, 2011

Trailing Away

Hmmm.... time to weed again

Dog Blog Post #441: Today's Daily Shoot assignment...

Friday: Make a photograph of a path, road, or trail that leads the viewer's eye through the frame.

... was not the best for a weekday. Oh, well. How about a nice game of fetch, instead? :)


Better yet, about a "spare" for the Texas hold 'em assignment?

Texas hold 'em
(I wonder who's winning?)

Yeah - that's more like it!

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  1. Oh dose are gweat!!!

    Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack

  2. I'm amazed at how well the poker picture worked. You have some awesome models!

  3. How do you do that! Wait, don't tell me, I don't want to take a chance on Jen finding out!

  4. Awesome pics! I actually captured a picture yesterday that fits your assignment. It was totally by accident, but so amazing. The dog in in is my foster dog, Lady.
    Here's a link to it on FB. http://tinyurl.com/3olxg92

    BTW - If you get done weeding and the Saturday Blogger Hop, feel free to come over and help me weed!

  5. I love that first one! Well, I love all of them today! You got great shots of both boys. I'd have been so excited to get that assignment TODAY with nice blue skies and plenty of time to go out and find a dirt road. *sigh* Another shot that might have been!

    I'm trying to get excited about today's assignment. Those really aren't my favorite types of shots. Not that I can't do them, I just feel like when I do, they turn out sort of boring. I guess we'll see what develops! I'm sure you'll have some great shot of the boys having some gun battle or fight for the Lacrosse ball! :P

  6. The pathway pic still came out good...I think the poker playing pups is so funny! I really like how they are playing with doggie treats.
    yuki amd rocket
