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Saturday, September 10, 2011


Straight Up

Dog Blog Post #442: The dogs were out of pocket most of the day, leaving very time for the Daily Shoot assignment of...

Make a photograph today of an interesting subject with as vertical or high a point of view as you can manage.

The shot above has me lying on the floor, on my back, looking straight up at them as they look over the armrest of the sofa. The boys thought it was pretty weird that mom was lying on the floor, but once they (finally) got settled in position...

... and we won't discuss how long it took them to get to that settled point...

... the number of times one jumped on the sofa and the other wouldn't...

... the number of times the other jumped on the sofa and the one wouldn't...

... the number of times both jumped on and one (or the other) promptly jumped off...

... the number of times both were on the sofa, but only one (or the other) was looking over the armrest...

... the number of times I wiped drool of the armrest, only to have one (or the other (or both!!!) promptly jump off the sofa.

... they stayed there a rather long time until I was done.

Sometime later, an interesting light filtered into the house from outside...

Beautiful Light

Beautiful Light

Beautiful Light

I'm actually not quite sure why the lighting was so strange, something about the setting sun and the hazy sky I suppose, but I rather like the effect. :)

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Ha! I can totally related to your how long it took to get the boys to pose on the armrest! My last picture was a fluke--I tried to repeat it and finally gave up.

  2. I had a feeling it might be spa day for the boys! I think the armrest picture is pretty cool! That blue light casts a nice mood to the shot. Did you use it for your mood picture for the Scavenge Challenge, too?

    I think I know what I'll do for the DS today, but I'm not certain. It's a good assignment for today, but a little tough to work out!

  3. I thin we all can appreciate just how hard someways it can be to get just ONE photograph of our dogs! Love the perspective - very different.

  4. I love the vertical photo! I thought that it was upside down when I first glimpsed it.

  5. Yes, I thought it was upside down as well....what we poochie owners must endure to find a perfect position! Great work!

  6. Your portraits are amazing. I love the lighting.

    The vertical shot is a riot.It's one of those things you should print fairly large, frame it and hang it on the wall.

    It's a conversation piece.

    I hope you are planning a book for all of these images.
