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Thursday, September 22, 2011


Happy Couple

Dog Blog Post #453: It was too hot today. Triple digit hot. Hot enough to cook dinner on the dashboard. Hot enough to spontaneously combust the landscape...

OK, perhaps not quite that hot...

... but it sure felt like it.

It was certainly hot enough to have a certain overly-furred dog of Scottish heritage giving me the hairy eyeball for having him outside long enough to snap a shot or two as I tried to satisfy the Daily Shoot assignment of...

Wednesday: Bright, vivid colors can draw attention and add "pop" to a photo. Make a photo that has vivid colors today.

Happy Couple?

Of course, the bandana on the head probably didn't help in that regard.

Inside wasn't any better, as by the time I had time to set up "the set", the sun was well on its way down, and I ended up with...


Hold Steady


Normally, at this juncture, I say something like, "Thank goodness that tomorrow dawns a new day, and a new assignment." But as it is already tomorrow, and I've already seen the assignment, I'm not really sure it's cause to celebrate.

Oh well, could be worse. It could be "yellow" or "orange"!

Scavenger Challenge shot...

24) The seasons are turning. Photograph something demonstrating the change.

Heh - not sure what part of the world the moderator lives in - Ok. that's a lie. I do know, and it's one considerably north of me - but there's little in the way of seasons turning here.

That said, I did find a early-to-bed Chinese Pistache...

Chinese Pistache

Now that is vivid!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Henry has to be the most patient dog in the world! Bless his Scottish heart! I think it's a cute shot, for what it's worth! Maybe you should have gone for the white background and let the red and blue pop on their own.

    *sigh* I have conferences at school all night tonight. There is construction near us, but no time to go take a passable picture of it. I guess Bunny and I will try to make it up tomorrow.

  2. That blue top hat is absolutely perfect.

    The orange leaves against the blue sky pop quite nicely.

  3. Very vivid!!! Very loverly!!!!

    Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack

  4. I love the one with the hankie over the head. Too cute!!

  5. Yep, definitely the top photo. Henry looks like a little old lady with the bandana around his head, lol.
