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Friday, September 2, 2011

White Hat (part 2)

Green Thumb

Dog Blog Post #434: No, the Daily Shoot didn't gift us with another chance to shoot light tones so I could repeat the yesterday's White Hat shoot. Today it was...

Exercise your photographic green thumb and make a photograph of a plant today.

... and as I stated in the description on the picture above in Flickr...

"It's September.

It was well over 95F outside.

There's not a whole lot in the yard that is still green."

And that's about all I have to say about that...

Green Thumb

Well, that and since 24 Paws of Love was asking about lighting yesterday, I will freely admit to rotating the both shots nearly 45 degrees counterclockwise in order to crop out blown highlights in the upper left while preserving the bulk of the shot. :)

As to the White Hats, here are a few more shots from yesterday...

White Hat


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  1. It looks like you have something green.

    I love the white hats. They rock.

  2. Love the second photo of Henry and the first hat photo of Zachary. I'm glad I haven't got any icecream!

  3. At least you get "the real deal" on them and not a photoshopped hat, which is the only kind Sage would wear! The white was perfect!

  4. At least there was something still alive out there to shoot!

    I'm still loving the white hat shots! Maybe the boys each need their own stick horse!

    I still have no idea what I'm doing for today's assignment! *tries to resist whining*

  5. I cannot get enough of those white hat shots!

  6. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful snaps with us. I like dogs, i also have 1 dog at my home. I am impressed by your photos. If you have some more photos than add it.

  7. I freely rotating both shots almost 45 degrees counter-clockwise, in order to limit blown highlights in the upper left, while maintaining most of the dots.
