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Thursday, September 1, 2011

White Hat

White Hat

Dog Blog Post #433: Here's another Daily Shoot assignment that I enjoy very much...

Make a low contrast photograph today dominated by light tones.

These are fun shots to take, and I like how the boys look this way.

I might wish it was a sunny day in cool late fall/winter, so I could throw open the blinds and flood the room with light, but I'll still take it over "Orange" any day. :)

These were shot at relatively long exposure times (~1/30s) at high ISO (1600) on a tripod, as the camera struggled to make things as high-key as I wanted with the less the great lighting.

(Hint: There just might be a few more of these laying about that could well make an appearance on tomorrow's blog hop)


No new Scavenger Challenge Shots today, as these had me setting up The Set and dragging out props, backdrops, and backgrounds leaving little time for others.

However, here's one from last month that I might not have shown here...

August 2011 - #3) "Slogans are everywhere, from billboards to t-shirts. Capture one with humour."


Let's hope no one out there will be needing one any time soon! :)

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. How beautiful and soft looking. I love what you create with your camera. I know nothing about photography, I just play with my camera until I get something close.

    You do such beautiful work.

  2. Is there anyway I could ask for a bit of advice? Please feel free to say no.

    My photo I have up for today post, I used a night setting, with no flash, is there anything I could have done different to make it stand out better? Or get a more natural coloring of the light?

    I know lighting can be complex and was just wondering what I could have done different so it didn't have such a red tone.

    Here's the post: http://www.24pawsoflove.com/2011/09/father-and-son-moment.html

    Any thoughts you have would be greatly appreciated, but please don't feel under any obligation to answer if you don't want to. I was just curious.

    24 Paws of Love

  3. The top photo of Zachary just makes me think of vanilla icecream, yum:) Henry looks like he's enjoying his time in the light too.

    Love the slogan!

  4. I like your low contrast shots a lot more than I like mine! The white hat is a stroke of genius. On high contrast day, I suggest a black hat for Henry and a pair of gun belts! Since I know you'd like a new challenge for their wardrobe. ;)

    I'm liking the new Scavenge list, and I took a couple last night, but our internet was really acting up, so I just uploaded the DS shot, and that took half an hour by itself.

    Oh, I have the perfect plant picked out, but it's going to be so blasted hot out today, I'm worried how the pictures will turn out of the princess!

  5. That second image is beautiful.

    And the slogan is great.

  6. Great photos, as always. There's just something about a dog in a hat... :-D
