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Sunday, September 18, 2011


Through a Window

Dog Blog Post #449: Running really late, so we'll keep this short and sweet...

Daily Shoot for Saturday: Make a photograph through or of a door or window today.

And yes, that is exactly what it looks like - a brown paper bag with a "window" added to it.

Through a Window

Zachary was too busy chasing his Lacrosse Ball to participate.

Why a brown paper bag with a "window" added to it? Because I was busy? Because I was feeling lazy and didn't want to actually find a good window/door? Because all my windows have nose prints? All of the above?

The rest of the photography day was spent on Scavenge Challenge items - something that pleased my son greatly, as it included going to car dealers to check out some really "sweet" cars...

15) This one's particularly for the guys! Get creative and make a cool photo of a car or truck.

... like these Chevy Camaros

Chevy Camaro

... these Porsches (~$125,000)


... and this Audi (~175,000)


Yup, the kid was a pretty happy camper. :)

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I'll have a Porsche in black please:) I'd be happy too, checking out those hot cars!

    Love your window:)

  2. Woof! Woof! Interesting how you made a paper window instead of taking a photograph of using an actual door/window. LOVE the Porsche. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  3. I'll take the Porsche, thanks!

    I love that picture of the bag window. It still has me giggling! And I'm not surprised that Zachary was too busy chasing his ball!

  4. We aren't picky - we'll take any of the three. Although our dad is a die hard, Camero fan...

    Love your creativity!

    Boondocks and The Love Shack Pack

  5. Oh yes! I'll take the Porsche please!! Love your window shots too.
