Wednesday, October 5, 2011
All Good Things...
Dog Blog Post #467: ... must come to an end.
Tonight I found out that the Daily Shoot will have its last assignment tomorrow (Thursday). Assuming I make that shot, it will be my 260th assignment covering roughly 262 days (I missed a couple when the hard disk died.)
Before I opine further, I should mention that today's Daily Shoot assignment was:
Wednesday: Make a photograph that illustrates technology today.
I have really enjoyed the Daily Shoot (despite my occasional whining about yellow, orange, and horizons (yesterday's "mystery" assignment)) and feel rather... adrift... at the moment.
The only other flickr group I faithfully post to is Scavenge Challenge, but the nature of the challenges means that having a dog in every shot isn't always going to qualify.
I occasionally post to Our Daily Challenge, if I have something that I feel particularly good about, but it seems to appeal to a higher class of photographers and given my self-imposed restriction (at least one dog in every shot) I'm not comfortable using it as a daily prompt.
Sooo... I have spent an hour or so doing random searches of flickr to see if I can find another "daily assignment" type group that might work well. These searches mostly involve looking at the profiles of people whose pictures I admire and I know are prolific photographers, to see what groups they belong to.
After my way too unscientific survey, I joined "111 pictures in 2011". This group has a list of (any guesses?) 111 things, and you can take your pictures in any order. Will I get them all done in the 26+30+31=87 days I have left in 2011?
Probably not.
But if I take a shot a day, that leaves me 24 "throw away" topics (like "53. white on white") that I would never be able to do anyway - at least not without stretching the rules a bit.
So, without further ado, here's the list (click to see larger):
What do ya'll think. Is it (somewhat) doable? Anybody know of any other groups? Anyone want to join me in a good cry?
Waaaaaahhhhhhh! ;(
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I am so going to miss the daily shoot! Not because I'll miss completing the occasional challenge, but because I'll miss your posts! I just love this picture of the boys. So awesome.
Woof! Woof! Someday mom would like to join ... TIME, she needs more time. LOVE to be a MAC user too. Golden Thanks to Steve Job ... Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
I'm going to miss seeing your creative answers to the challenges. I will say this computer shot is my favorite yet.
I know I just started following your blog but I really do enjoy the daily photo and it inspires me to one day get my dogs to deal with the camera better. I love the one today - one of my favs so far.
I couldn't believe that today was the last Daily Shoot assignment! I'm so disappointed.
I'm going to look around for some groups, too, but it might not be until I get back. Is there a 365 Days of Dogs project? I know there are 52 Weeks projects. A person who might be good to ask is greyhoundgirl25.
I definitely agree with the term "adrift" in this case. I didn't find out 'til this morning that today's the last challenge. Though I don't always do the challenge, I've found it's often the inspiration that I need to get my daily shot done. Perhaps I'll join you in working with that list--it might be able to take the Daily Shoot's place as my inspiration.
Adorable photo. I love the placement of the boys in this one.
your 'boyz' are so 'houndsome'!!!
I'm feeling adrift too, but also a bit excited because I can't wait to see what you come up with to replace the Daily Shoot! I know you'll find something:)
Gotta love the Macs! RIP Steve
I too am feeling a little lost even though I was one to criticize the repetition of tasks in Daily Shoot.
Another group which seems interesting is Scavenger Hunt 101 at: I know Bob Molar posts to this one
I bet that if you set your mind to it, the 111 images will go quickly.
Two thumbs up from me.
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