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Friday, October 7, 2011

Ironing out the Wrinkles

Precious Puppies Don't Iron

Dog Blog Post #469: With the untimely demise of the Daily Shoot, I've turned my attention to both "Our Daily Challenge" (ODC) and "111 Pictures in 2011" (111), seeing if I can combine them into a single shoot for the day.

Therefore, for today (Friday) we have:

  • ODC - "Wrinkled"
  • 111 Pictures in 2011 - "#104. household task"

... which leads to... Ironing!

You're kidding, right?

What I really wanted was to find somebody who would leave their paw on the iron handle, but all I found was the The Missing Skill of the Day.

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. so darn cute!..I hate ironing but I do it anyway!!

  2. You really expect me to push this thing? Isn't that what we have you for? :)

  3. what lovely lovely photos! I am now following you :)

  4. The touch command or shake command works for those paw photos, but sometimes you really have to be quick with the camera! Here is Sam doing touch (helping with laundry)!


    The photos are great!


  5. Too funny...love the angle/angel of the head...sweet in the 1st photo!

  6. Bunny is very worried that you are going to start giving me crazy ideas! I love those shots!

  7. Bunny is very worried that you are going to start giving me crazy ideas! I love those shots!

  8. Bunny is very worried that you are going to start giving me crazy ideas! I love those shots!

  9. Bunny is very worried that you are going to start giving me crazy ideas! I love those shots!

  10. Terrific pictures, but I don't want mom to get any crazy ideas. I'm just too busy to help w/the laundry. I'm always late for a nap!

  11. Hey you can help our mom out with the laundry and dishes, you look like you're real good at chores.:)

    yuki and rocket

  12. The guilty look tells me that the ironing was not very successful. :-)

    Bunny should be VERY worried. LOL!

  13. Ah, so that's an iron! I'd look a bit like Zachary if I had to iron anything too:)

    I knew you'd find a new, interesting group or 2:)

  14. Ha ha, we don't even own an iron. But if I thought I could get the dogs to do the work, then maybe...
