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Monday, October 17, 2011


Mosler MT900S

Dog Blog Post #479: Zachary is clearly taken with the Mosler MT900S, satisfying...

Our Daily Challenge - Oct. 12, 2011 - "Automobile"
111 Pictures in 2011 - "#78. Vehicle"
Artistic Temperament Scavenger Hunt "#87.Transportation"
Scavenge Challenge October 2011 - "17) Anything with wheels"

Hey, it's not my fault so many groups have the same prompt!

The rest of the shots will seem mundane after that - we have...

Our Daily Challenge - Oct 14, 2011 - "Luck"
111 Pictures in 2011 - #17. new"
Artistic Temperament Scavenger Challenge "#56. One Foot"


... surprisingly hard to find a shiny penny this late in the year.

WARNING: Did you know that US Pennies minted from 1982 on are toxic to dogs? The new coins are almost entirely zinc, clad in a small amount of copper. A single penny can lead to zinc poisoning and kill a dog.

(And on that cheery note, we move on to...)

Our Daily Challenge - Oct 13, 2011 - "Eyes"
Artistic Temperament Scavenger Hunt - "#17. The Eyes Have It"


... complete with a teenie-tiny little me, reflected in Henry's eye.

A lot of prompts, I know, but I was trying to put some distance between what I was working on when it was due, as my access to the computer has been iffy of late (son + school = homework) and Our Daily Challenge seems a bit inconsistent as to when they close topics off.

(Prompts are good for 7 days, but the exact hour they expire seems somewhat open to moderator interpretation.)

This has me working tomorrow (Tuesday) on the prompt that is due Friday. Hmmm... need to find a pair of glasses for that one. And a grid. Perhaps a pen or pencil of some sort. Hmmmm....

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  1. Hmm, that's a very spunky car but how many Golden Retrievers could you fit in it? Or perhaps Zachary doesn't care?

    Heck, I wonder how safe our NZ coins are then?

  2. I love the penny shot! I knew that pennies were made of zinc since 1982, but not that they were toxic to dogs. I somehow missed the car shot, though. A dog can dream!

    Oooo! You must be going for the nerdy challenge. I need to pop over there and see what today's challenge is!

  3. the lucky golden paw!..with the lucky penny!!

  4. I did not know that pennies were toxic to dogs, thanks
