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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Just Ears


Dog Blog Post #523: What a glorious day for today's Daily Dog Challenge assignment of...

30. Just Ears - Our dogs come in different shapes and sizes, and so do their ears. Show us your dog's ears today!

Artistic Temperament Scavenger Hunt - "#85. This Color"... Gold. :)

Glorious because the day was, well, glorious - with bright sunshine and Autumn tones - and glorious because the dogs are fairly fresh from the day spa and their ears were looking fairly tidy.

(Anyone who has a golden understands, otherwise, imagine your dog running around with fuzziest slippers imaginable attached to their dog's heads ala Princess Leia's hair style.)

... and for those "gee your trees still have leaves" sorts in the crowd, after today's blustery day, those lovely golden leaves are well on their way through the next county by now.

Here's Zachary's Ear Shot...


... as he attempted to mentally levitate the Lacrosse Ball out from under my foot.

Finally (and literally) we have Our Daily Challenge - "The End"...

The End

The End

(Any guesses who's is who's?)

But wait! There's more!

Sort of.

Here's the montage from November's Scavenger Challenge. I hadn't planned on making it an All Golden month, but by the time the month was through I'd taken all but three shots with a dog in it. So I reshot two, took the last one with Henry, and called it a month:

November Scavenge Challenge

And moving left to right, top to bottom, we have:

1. Celebration, 2. Hula!, 3. White Hat, 4. Making Cookies, 5. Oh Where, Oh Where...
6. Zach in Socks?, 7. What's my next stitch?, 8. Pepper Puppy, 9. Sweet Zachary, 10. The Boys
11. Candle in the Wind, 12. Bubbles, 13. Sparkles, 14. What ARE You?, 15. Idiom
16. A Tail's Tale, 17. Pepper Puppy, 18. Screen, 19. We're Dreaming..., 20. Gimmick
21. Old Time, 22. Sea Shell, 23. 120 Balls on the Floor... - EXPLORED, 24. Black and White, 25. Romantic Henry

(Created with Mosaic Maker.)

... favorites anyone?

And finally (and I mean it this time) we have next month's Scavenger Challenge list (click to see larger).

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, November 29, 2011






Fall Colors

In Memory Of...

Aubridge Skyrocket In Flight RN CGC  (Beau)
11/30/03 - 08/21/10
The World's Best Family Dog
To he who waits, from she who misses him...
Happy Birthday, Big Dog

Dog Blog Post #521: Daily Dog Challenge #29. Reflection - How does your dog react to his reflection? Show us today with a photo!"

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

I am...


Dog Blog Post #520: ... running late?

Today's Daily Dog Challenge assignment...

28. Black and White - Create an interesting black and white photo today.

... had me dragging out the backboards, some new fabric, the top hat, some Christmas bandanas...


Where are they?

Well, they're here...

Christmas Paws

... and here...

Christmas Paws

... and even here...

Christmas Paws

But they weren't the ones I picked. Noped. The Family Poll was unanimous. The shot I banged off for kicks before I did any of the above (at the very top of this post) turned out to be the paws down favorite.

Oh well, such is life. It did seem to go well with Our Daily Challenge's prompt of "I AM..."

... sleepy!

Black and White

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Spice of Life

Pepper Puppy
"What's this stuff"?

Pepper Puppy
"I'm not gonna try it - you try it!"

Pepper Puppy
"I'm not gonna try it - Let's give it to Mommy!"

Dog Blog Post #519: Actually, those pictures had nothing what-so-ever to do with today's Daily Dog Challenge assignment of...

"27. Paw In Hand - Take a photo today that shows a paw in a hand."

Rather, they are in response to:

Scavenge Challenge - "8) Spice up your photostream with some peppers. Chili, bell or black, make a "hot shot!"

... finishing the November list off as an All Golden Retriever month!

As for the Daily Dog Challenge I can't say I was to impressed with the results today...

Henry, Shake!

... although I did have a bit of fun with desaturation and sepiation to try to spice it up!

And since today is Mischief Monday, you get your choice of Maniacal Santa Zachary...

Santa Zachary

... or what happens when you have too many boys and not enough space for them to play...

Abandon All Hope...

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us! © 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

Alfie's Blog

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Studious Pair - A Tale in Three Pictures

Behind the Scenes #1
Instructions given to rapt audience...

Behind the Scenes #2
Doubts form...

A Studious Pair

Dog Blog Post #518: Today's Daily Dog Challenge assignment was...

"26. 11/26 -- On Something - Show us a picture of your dog on something. It can be large or small, hard or soft, whatever strikes your (or your dog's) fancy!"

(plus 111 Pictures in 2011 - "#62. books")

I didn't really mean to catch myself, but after expending 30 shots to get just Henry, and another 11 for Zachary, I figured they had the hang of things.


The ten second start delay wasn't quite long enough for me to get out of the way before the camera fired off a shot a second for a total of five shots. The first and second shots are the top two, above, the third showed just my hand "leaving the scene", the best was the forth shot (directly above) and the fifth was pretty much identical to it.

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

Friday, November 25, 2011

Dogs Wearing Hats


Dog Blog Post #517: Today's Daily Dog Challenge assignment had us out enjoying glorious (if slightly overcast) weather.

In a clear case of overkill, I also hit:

Artistic Temperament Scavenger Hunt - "#43. Autumn"
111 Pictures in 2011 - "#10. Your Favorite Season" - and the boys golden fur fits right in!
Our Daily Challenge - Nov 21, 2011 - "Sign" ... the brightly colored leaves on the Crape Myrtle are a sure SIGN that autumn is here.

Woo Hoo! (No, I probably shouldn't get that big a kick of out hitting multiple prompts. Clearly, I need to get out more.)




And finally, because you can never have too many pictures of dogs wearing hats...

Black and White

White Hat

White Hat

... can you?

Yes, the boys are desaturated in the last two. It was supposed to be "White on White" :)

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Thankful for...

Dog Blog Post #516: Today's Daily Dog Challenge was...

"#24. Thankful - A lot of us will be thinking about what we're thankful for today, but what is your dog thankful for?"

... which had me in a bit of a bind.

I used the Lacrosse Balls for "Too Many", the Peanut Butter jar for "Point of View", and the Really BIG Chewies for "What Do Dogs Dream Of?"... now what?

Falling back to a doggie favorite, I pulled out their best cookie jar and a bright red background fabric (as "Red" is an assignment for 111 Pictures in 2011 -and- Artistic Temperament Scavenger Challenge)...

Thankful for...

A couple more props plus the entire unbroken contents of said cookie jar...


Editor's Note: There were several comments related to the boys posing with instead of eating the chewies. I was a bit surprised as well, actually, and can only come up with them being confused by the plastic. It's like the plastic made them think they weren't REALLY chewies - much like the sofa and my purse aren't chewies, even though made from leather. Anyway, after a few good sniffs, they basically ignored them and focused solely on my treats.

Why didn't they eat the treats you see in these pictures? Because I told them not too, and they were being paid with even better treats to not eat them. However, after shooting was done, each received two of the cookies (as they had just had lunch right before I started taking pictures.)

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

We're Dreaming...

We're Dreaming...

Dog Blog Post #516: Today's Daily Dog Challenge assignment was...

"23. What Do Dogs Dream Of? - Big or small, what does your dog dream of? Illustrate it in a photo today."

... and really had me thinking. I had just done all the Lacrosse Balls...

120 Balls on the Floor... - EXPLORED

... which would be the logical choice, and when I asked hubby's opinion he came affirmed my thinking: that Henry doesn't care enough about any one thing to dream about it - except, perhaps, me. :)

Sooo... I once again started wandering around the house chanting... "dreaming, dreaming, dreaming..." until I spied the Really BIG Chewies sitting on top the bookcases.


We're Dreaming...

We're Dreaming...

We're Dreaming...

This also satisfied...

Our Daily Challenge - Nov 23, 2011 - "I'm Thankful For..." (Chewies)

Scavenge Challenge November 2011 - "19) We're getting close to those big holiday meals. What should we have for dessert?" (Chewies... if "we" includes the boys)

Happy Turkey Day!

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Snuggie



Dog Blog Post #515: -- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us! © 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

Monday, November 21, 2011



Dog Blog Post #514: Well, the blogosphere jury has spoken, and I'm happy to say that Henry was acquitted!

What was in the works for today's Daily Dog Challenge?

"#21. Priceless - We all know that having a dog is expensive. There are lots of costs involved that we never even think about. However, they always give us something priceless in return. How is your dog priceless?"

I wanted to do one of those credit card type things, listing the price of the dogs (don't ask), the price of the camera (don't ask), the yearly cost of the groomer (really don't ask!)...

... but I didn't.

Instead, as I watched Henry and Zachary make a beeline for the big puffy pillow and take up a classic pose...


... I decided it is their friendship that is truly priceless.

111 Pictures in 2011 - "#100. Friend"

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

Unjustly Accused!

Bad Dog?

Dog Blog Post #513: Today's Daily Dog Challenge has the Precious Puppy crying, "Libel!"

"#20. Good Dog or Bad Dog - Which one was your dog today, and why? Creative interpretation is always encouraged!"

He denies being anywhere near the pillow when the damage occurred, and claims the whole thing was faked!

Our Daily Challenge - Nov 24, 2011 - "Fake"

Unjustly Accused

The truth?

Well... while nobody SAW the damage occurring, there are really only two suspects who had access and motive, and only one with prior convictions for similar offenses...

Through a hole

But clearly, the Precious Puppy isn't too concerned about it at this time...

Unjustly Accused

As for Angelic Zachary?

Angelic Zachary

Let's just say that a tired dog is a good dog...

A Tired Dog...

Editor's Note: No flea sightings today! No itching. No scratching. Yeah!

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

Alfie's Blog