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Thursday, November 3, 2011

At Attention


Dog Blog Post #496: Yet another busy day with little time to blog, but if brevity really is the soul of wit, perhaps I can use this to my advantage. :)

The shot above was in response to one and only one prompt (probably not great planning on my part, and kinda deflates that whole wit thing...)

Daily Dog Challenge "#3. At Attention - Experiment with odd noises, treats and toys and try to get a photo of your dog that shows an intense, interested or extremely cute expression."

A long time ago, I "captured" (reward when you see a dog naturally performing a behavior in order to increase the likelihood of seeing it again) Henry doing a head tilt. But I was never able to get him to do it exaggerated enough to show up in pictures,  so I abandoned it.

Today I gave my cue, got his mild tilt, then made a funny noise to which he made a much more exaggerated tilt.


Probably not that reproducible as one can only make so many novel noises, but it worked this time!

Here's Zachary's version of attention...


... any guesses as to what he's looking at? :)

Finally, an Our Daily Challenge shot:

ODC - Oct. 28, 2011- "Wide Angle Minimalism"

... which I have been avoiding all week due to not knowing what to do with it. But today was the last day for it. So I just laid on the ground, had max aperture, got close to Zachary's (dirty) paws and snapped it.


I think it's stupid, but hey, sometimes you just need to get the shot.

Dirty Paws

... at least the prompt wasn't "Yellow".

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Lacrosse ball and I love Henry's head tilt and Zachary's short toe nails:)

  2. Well, I know it had to be the Lacrosse ball! I'd know that look anywhere! Henry could give the RCA dog a run for his money. That expression is priceless!

    I never did to that minimalist shot, so you're ahead of me. Maybe you should have laid a bright colored Lacrosse ball between his feet for visual interest? I guess you can't be in love with every shot and assignment!

  3. Zach looks a bit like Tucker when he is focused on the 'chuck-it' at the park!!..very ball focused!!
