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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Dragon's Lair

Dragon's Lair

Dog Blog Post #509: Today's Daily Dog Challenge called for...

"16. Framed - Use a window or door, or some other natural element to frame a picture of your dog."

... which went nicely with...

Our Daily Challenge - Nov 13, 2011 - "Arches"

My first idea was this one...

Dragon's Lair

... and the shot up top grew out of it.

And here's what it looks like uncropped, uncloned, and mostly uncorrected...

I picked the shot with Zachary because the camera angle and framing were clearly much better and the only thing I had to "fix" was a small bit of yardstick, the upper corners where the fabric didn't quite go high enough, and a touch of floor.

No, I don't normally post-process that much, but I liked the idea and couldn't figure out any other way to make the castle "stand".

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. Great castle. I really like the one peaking out from underneath the table. The lighting is great.

  2. I love what you did with the assignment! Bunny says she'd lend her dragon costume to Henry for the next time. It was cool to see behind the scenes for this one, too!
