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Friday, November 18, 2011



Dog Blog Post #511: Today's Daily Dog Challenge was...

"18. Take seven pictures and show off only the fifth one. Be honest!"

... and I failed right off, as I forget to keep count and end up taking ten shots. The fifth is above, but my favorite was #10, below...


... this also worked for Scavenger Challenge item requiring a picture containing "bamboo". The puili (bamboo sticks) and ipu (goard) are played for hula dancing, and are around 40 years old. While the puili have developed some long cracks over the years (although still usable) the gourd looks the same as the day it was given to me.

But before I took those shots, I experimented with lighting (i.e shifting the floor lamp around) and distance (since I'm using a different camera now) in my old "winter setup location" and took this one...


... for:

Scavenge Challenge November 2011 - "7) This one's especially for the girls! Photograph something hand-knit or crocheted."
Artistic Temperament Scavenger Hunt - "#1. My First…"
111 Pictures in 2011 - "#13. Handmade"

... as I had no idea how to knit or crochet, bought the stuff last night, watched a YouTube video, and gave it a go this morning. The blue piece over Zachary's paw was my first effort, the greener one around his paw was my second, and the yarn ball in front of Henry was finger knitted by my son many years ago. :)

I must say, that assuming I can take the shots during the day (a BIG "if") the lighting in the winter location (the dining room) is far superior to the summer location (the kitchen).

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. These are great. Creatively showing creativity.

    Sheesh, I wish I could get such cooperation.

  2. me too..if only our golden boy knew what a 'blogstar' he would be if he would co-operate!!

  3. Woof! Woof! from you blog title ... I was hoping to see you guys wearing a hula skirts. Happy BLOG HOP Weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  4. I liked the 7/5 assignment. I have to take the dogs outside on my lunch break to get a daylight shot since it gets dark so early now. I was finished in 60 seconds yesterday, which never happens. :)

    It looks like you might be knitting the boys something special for Christmas now that you know how. Scarves maybe?

    By the way, I'm really having fun with the Daily Dog Challenge. Thanks for organizing the fun, and daily Tweets! Have a great weekend!

  5. Sage would so be eating that crochet hook! Great pictures--I love the contrasts of color in your last one.

  6. I thought your shots were really creative, and I always envy how you can get so many challenges lined up in one shot! :P I am pretty sure the boys never take a bad shot, just that some aren't as good as others.

    I am also still pretty sure the boys are glad you didn't have a grass skirt or coconut bra handy!

  7. What are you guys knitting?

    Stop on by for a visit
