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Friday, November 11, 2011

My Boys

The Boys

Dog Blog Post #504: Frantic Friday, so we'll quote straight from my flickr descriptions...

Daily Dog Challenge 11. 11/11 -- Personality - "We all have things we love about our dogs. Take a photograph today that captures your dog's personality or an aspect of it."

I brought out the backboard and covered it with the fabric.

I brought out the big puffy pillow and covered it with a blanket.

I brought out the hats for props and the treats and the rag I use to keep the drool under control.

Then I turned around and set up the tripod and put the camera on top. When I looked back, this is what I saw.

That's my boys!

(This probably should have been a picture of the boys playing outside, but it was a gray drizzly day today.)

Scavenge Challenge November 2011 - "10) Carte blanche! What style of photography and subject matter do you prefer?"

111 Pictures in 2011 - "#106 favourite photographic topic/style"

It will come as a surprise to no one, that taking pictures - particularly posed portraits - of my boys is one of my favorite topic/styles. :)

Alternate shots include...

The Boys

If Zachary's the smart one, then Henry's the sweetie…

… who knows better than to take life too seriously.

The Boys

The serious side of Henry. Look fast, it doesn't last long!

The Boys

Zachary's the intense one - and believe it or not, there were no Lacrosse Balls used to create this picture.

Nope, I accidentally spilled a bunch of treats on the floor. Now THAT got their attention!

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I really love that first shot, but I love all of them! From what I've heard you say about them over the time that I've read your blog, though, that first one seems to be the most like them.

    I can't wait to see what you did for vintage! Mine didn't work out the way I wanted, but it's okay.

  2. Your boys are so gorgeous.

    Treats on the floor, my guys would have cleaned them up before the shutter released.
