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Friday, November 11, 2011

Rule of Thirds


Dog Blog Post #503: Today's Daily Dog Challenge was...

#10. Rule of Thirds - Use the rule of thirds to create an interesting photo today.

... and so I went out back with two dogs, a camera, and a tiny pink sticky note that read:

rule of thirds
soft light

The first should obvious, "soft light" was an assignment for Our Daily Challenge, and "portrait" was one of the many items still unshot for 111 Pictures for 2011.

The easiest shot to fulfill all three was...

Golden Portrait

... intentially taken before Zachary had a chance to get himself dirty chasing after the Lacrosse Ball (thank goodness goldens have teflon hair - everything falls right out of it!)

The rest of the time was evenly divided between throwing the ball to Zachary, and posing Henry for potential shots. So I Henry on the lawn, Henry on the path, Henry on the steps...

Precious Puppy Posing

... and Henry on the bench (see up top).

Henry didn't care much for being on the bench - perhaps because the stones were cold - as evidenced by his rather sad expression. I'm sure I'm going to hear from his attorney in the morning (Precious Puppies apparently don't have to lie down on Cold Benches).

The final shot was taken much later in the day, with only 1/3 the (incandescent) kitchen lights on and me lying on the floor (where's MY lawyer when I need her?)


I got a kick of out of Bunny's mom's comment (in flickr) about how she would "kill for that light", as the original shot was actually rather bad (think high ISO grain, blue tinted ears, and a purple nose!) but on a whim I threw in some sepia and rather liked the result!

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us! © 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I would kill for that light! Gads! I feel like we've been living in a cave this week! I'm going to have to start haunting Target for some cheap lamps. I can't take it anymore!

    And I love every one of those shots! You are blessed with great creativity and a wonderful eye!

  2. great shots once again..I never tire of seeing your two golden boys!!

  3. I love the paws dangling over the edge of the step. Absolutely adorable.
