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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Spice of Life

Pepper Puppy
"What's this stuff"?

Pepper Puppy
"I'm not gonna try it - you try it!"

Pepper Puppy
"I'm not gonna try it - Let's give it to Mommy!"

Dog Blog Post #519: Actually, those pictures had nothing what-so-ever to do with today's Daily Dog Challenge assignment of...

"27. Paw In Hand - Take a photo today that shows a paw in a hand."

Rather, they are in response to:

Scavenge Challenge - "8) Spice up your photostream with some peppers. Chili, bell or black, make a "hot shot!"

... finishing the November list off as an All Golden Retriever month!

As for the Daily Dog Challenge I can't say I was to impressed with the results today...

Henry, Shake!

... although I did have a bit of fun with desaturation and sepiation to try to spice it up!

And since today is Mischief Monday, you get your choice of Maniacal Santa Zachary...

Santa Zachary

... or what happens when you have too many boys and not enough space for them to play...

Abandon All Hope...

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us! © 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

Alfie's Blog


  1. That is just a tiny scratch in the dirt. I guess my guys are going to have to demonstrate so excavation.

    The catch lights in the third photo are beautiful. I love that pic.

  2. Thanks for joining our monday Mischief Bloghop! Lovely photos *waggy tail*

  3. Love all the pictures but I think my favorite is the Santa one and the paw in hand one:)) There is just something special about a paw in the hand!

  4. I think your paw in hand shot was tons better than mine! I should try to reshoot mine. I just didn't think it had the right punch to it that I wanted.

    The chili shots are pure genius, though, and I am green with envy that I didn't think of that!

  5. hot and spicy that's what your boys are!!!..perfect..love the props!!

  6. Zachery! You do hats so much better than I! And I'm so glad you guys didn't try those chilies. Ick, ick and double ick.

  7. Eek! I am so far behind on the Daily Dog challenge. :(

    loving the spicy photos!

  8. Phew!!

    You had me all worried you were gonna eat those Peppers buddy!!

    Hey, you're paws are super tidy, mine are WAY fluffier than yours!! :)

    My Mum loves that pic with the Santa hat on, you do realise you've reminded her to get a shot of me wearing one now!! I resisted pretty well last year, I hope she doesn't catch me off guard this year!!

    Have a fun day,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  9. Great shots with the peppers and posing as Santa.

  10. awweee....i just love visiting to see your lovely faces...

    yikes on the peppers! smart dogs know not to go there!

    loving the paw in hand...i think that one is a keeper!

  11. We are so glad our boys haven't gone into landscaping!

    Nice pictures!


  12. Those look liek the yummy sweet peppers

    Stop on by for a visit
