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Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Dog Tag

Dog Blog Post #495: There is something new in today's post, but only the hyper-observant might notice it. I'll elaborate more in a day or two (when hopefully I have more time) but for now, I'll just make note of its existence and let it go at that...

Today's challenge?

Daily Dog Challenge - "#2. Tags"

This is actually Zachary's tag dangling from Henry's neck, as Zachary has so much ruff that the tag disappeared below a sea of fur.

Henry, at just over a year old, is still working on his ruff. :)

(Now if I could only remember where I put HENRY's AKC tag!)

This also satisfies...

Our Daily Challenge - Nov. 2, 2011 - "Dualism - Made of Two Parts"

A collar and a tag?
A collar and a dog?
Take your pick!

111 Pictures in 2011 - "#24. the written word"

Artistic Temperament Scavenger Hunt - "93. Words"

For the record, the Golden Retriever is a member of the Sporting Group, and was admitted (recognized) by the AKC in 1925.

Sweet Henry

Another thing new (not related to my comment above) is the new Scavenger Challenge List:

(As always, click to see larger)

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I don't know about you, but I feel a lot better about this month's list!

    I loved your shot, and I can't wait to see what comes up today!

  2. the scavenger hunt sounds interesting!!..might have to take a look around?

  3. Sheesh, I must be completely unobservant. I have no idea what's new.

    Love the portrait though.

  4. I don't know what's new either:( Unless Henry has a new collar?

    Have you tried looking through old photos for a clue as to where Henry's tag;)

    He is looking lovely as always.
