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Thursday, November 24, 2011


Thankful for...

Dog Blog Post #516: Today's Daily Dog Challenge was...

"#24. Thankful - A lot of us will be thinking about what we're thankful for today, but what is your dog thankful for?"

... which had me in a bit of a bind.

I used the Lacrosse Balls for "Too Many", the Peanut Butter jar for "Point of View", and the Really BIG Chewies for "What Do Dogs Dream Of?"... now what?

Falling back to a doggie favorite, I pulled out their best cookie jar and a bright red background fabric (as "Red" is an assignment for 111 Pictures in 2011 -and- Artistic Temperament Scavenger Challenge)...

Thankful for...

A couple more props plus the entire unbroken contents of said cookie jar...


Editor's Note: There were several comments related to the boys posing with instead of eating the chewies. I was a bit surprised as well, actually, and can only come up with them being confused by the plastic. It's like the plastic made them think they weren't REALLY chewies - much like the sofa and my purse aren't chewies, even though made from leather. Anyway, after a few good sniffs, they basically ignored them and focused solely on my treats.

Why didn't they eat the treats you see in these pictures? Because I told them not too, and they were being paid with even better treats to not eat them. However, after shooting was done, each received two of the cookies (as they had just had lunch right before I started taking pictures.)

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Tucker is thankful for running, swimming, chasing the ball, warm chair to sleep in, daycare, camping..oh heck just about everything..he has a good life!!..but don't give him a broken cookie!!

  2. I love the color combination for that picture! The boys are really very good about posing for you. Have you thought about going back and looking at some of your first Daily Shoot pictures you took to see how far they've come? I bet it would be a fun trip down memory lane!

  3. Hi Y'all,

    My Human is amazed at how well the boys pose for you. My Human is more grab the camera and take whatever is in the lens...no thought, just candid shots of whatever strikes her fancy.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  4. Your dogs crack me up.

    I opt for outta sight, outta mind at our house.

  5. You boys are so patient (and handsome).

  6. Mine would have eaten the treats by now :)

    Stop on by for a visit
