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Monday, November 7, 2011

Tongue and Tail

Treat Spot

Dog Blog Post #500: Hmmm... I wonder how much spam that post title is going to create? (sigh)

Today's Daily Dog Challenge is...

#7. Tongue - Show a little or show a lot? Give us your best tongue shot!

... which just so happens to work with the Our Daily Challenge assignment of Nov. 5 2011 - "Neat"... as I think the spot on the end of Zachary's tongue is pretty, well, neat!" :)

PLUS - from 111 Pictures in 2011, we have: "#105. hot"... as I got the tongue shot by throwing the ball until Zachary started to get hot! :)

And finally, to end this post, we have:

111 Pictures in 2011 - "#14. blur"
Artistic Temperament Scavenger Challenge "#12. blur"

Telling Tail

Any guesses as to whose tail and "grass skirt" that is?

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I've often wondered about Zachary's spot. Is it genetic? I don't mean in Golden Retrievers, just Zachary's line. Or is he just lucky:) It's certainly very cute.

  2. Your skirt swings when you walk too!!! Mommy thinks that is the funniest thing. She loves to watch me run and play to see my skirt move!

    Puppy Kisses,

  3. I love Zachary's portrait! My guess is that's Henry's tail, because he still seems lighter than Zachary to me, and because I know the Precious Puppy doesn't like being left out of a blog post.

    I'm very curious to see what tomorrow brings us!

  4. I can't think of a better way to catch a happy blur than with a wagging tail. Nice!
