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Monday, November 21, 2011

Unjustly Accused!

Bad Dog?

Dog Blog Post #513: Today's Daily Dog Challenge has the Precious Puppy crying, "Libel!"

"#20. Good Dog or Bad Dog - Which one was your dog today, and why? Creative interpretation is always encouraged!"

He denies being anywhere near the pillow when the damage occurred, and claims the whole thing was faked!

Our Daily Challenge - Nov 24, 2011 - "Fake"

Unjustly Accused

The truth?

Well... while nobody SAW the damage occurring, there are really only two suspects who had access and motive, and only one with prior convictions for similar offenses...

Through a hole

But clearly, the Precious Puppy isn't too concerned about it at this time...

Unjustly Accused

As for Angelic Zachary?

Angelic Zachary

Let's just say that a tired dog is a good dog...

A Tired Dog...

Editor's Note: No flea sightings today! No itching. No scratching. Yeah!

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

Alfie's Blog


  1. A sleepy dog is definitely a good dog! Amazing how angelic they can look!

  2. Thanks for joining our bloghop -good to have you onboard! *waggy tail*

    Who cares about a broken pillow when the doggie on it looks that cute :o)

  3. Its true, a sleeping dawg can't cause any mischief. :)

  4. Henry, I don't believe a word of it, and you look great with the pillow, even if a corner is a little frayed!

    Zachary, I'm guessing your halo was off being polished somewhere!

  5. Awww...I say that you are innocent until proven gulity, and even if you are guilty I think your cuteness will help you out in your sentencing!

    Thanks for joining the hop, your pictures are beautiful.


  6. well let me tell you Tucker's dirty little secret..we use to have five toss cushions..we have none now..everyday we would come home to stuffin' on the floor!..a new cushion everyday...thank goodness he never got started on the actual furniture!!..puppies are so much fun!!

  7. Ya, a tired dog is a for sure a good dog. But don't talk to Torrey about chewing stuffed things, we blogged about that today.

  8. Hi There,

    So glad to meet you through the Monday Mischief Blog Hop and so glad you brought this injustice to our attention!!

    You poor thing!! Just remember - never admit to anything - without any evidence their case will be thrown out!! Tee Hee

    Have a fun day,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  9. hmm...you may never know who the culprit was, but those certainly are some CUTE pix you got out of the deal. :-)

  10. Beautiful pup and great photos!

  11. no evidence...no sentence....

    keep your cool.

    always give "the look" using the puppy eyes.

    closing the also works too.

    excellent photo story!

  12. Sweet eyes like that do damage? Noooo. Much too much angel eyes for that!! Beautiful softness to your photograph!

  13. Innocent. How could you think anything differently?
