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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

We're Dreaming...

We're Dreaming...

Dog Blog Post #516: Today's Daily Dog Challenge assignment was...

"23. What Do Dogs Dream Of? - Big or small, what does your dog dream of? Illustrate it in a photo today."

... and really had me thinking. I had just done all the Lacrosse Balls...

120 Balls on the Floor... - EXPLORED

... which would be the logical choice, and when I asked hubby's opinion he came affirmed my thinking: that Henry doesn't care enough about any one thing to dream about it - except, perhaps, me. :)

Sooo... I once again started wandering around the house chanting... "dreaming, dreaming, dreaming..." until I spied the Really BIG Chewies sitting on top the bookcases.


We're Dreaming...

We're Dreaming...

We're Dreaming...

This also satisfied...

Our Daily Challenge - Nov 23, 2011 - "I'm Thankful For..." (Chewies)

Scavenge Challenge November 2011 - "19) We're getting close to those big holiday meals. What should we have for dessert?" (Chewies... if "we" includes the boys)

Happy Turkey Day!

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Happy Thanksgiving!!!..enjoy the chewies!!

  2. Hello, this is interesting. Just wondering what might be my dogs are dreaming of. Hmmmmm..a food maybe. Those dogs were so cute.

  3. They both look so content and happy in those pictures! Those bones are huge, too! Good heaven, how long do those last at your house?

  4. Seriously, how on earth do you keep your guys from digging in?

    Guess I have a bunch of over-motivated munch hounds.

    Love the hats.

    Happy Thanksgiving.
