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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Zach in Socks?

Zach in Socks?

Dog Blog Post #498: Today's Daily Dog Challenge prompt...

#5. Starts With "B" - "Make a photograph of your dog with something that starts with B in the photo. It can be subtle or obvious, but tell us what it is so we don't miss it!"

... offered so many possibilities that I looked down the list of a few other groups to see what else I could pick up:

Artistic Temperament Scavenger Challenge - "#5. Dr. Seuss inspired"
Scavenger Challenge November 2011 - "6) What were your favorite books from childhood (10 years or younger)?"
111 Pictures in 2011 - "#108. reminder of old times"

... and ended up with the shots above and below...

Zach in Socks?

... containing a Book and Box.

Zachary was totally oblivious to the infant socks and happily wandered around the kitchen with them on with nary a paw shake.

What a good boy!

I suppose I should have given Henry a try, but I was pretty sure that Precious Puppies don't wear paw protection!

(The observant might notice that the ever useful wicker box showed up again, for the second day in a row. Yesterday, I turned it upside down for the boy's night out shot.)

Editor's Note: Zachary sat still for yesterday's picture with all the balls because I had told him to, "Stay". Did I mention that he was a good boy? Of COURSE he got to play with them afterwards, and while 45 went back into the bucket, five lucky balls were added to Zachary's personal Lacrosse Ball collection. :)

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I should try Beryl with Lacrosse balls. Are they stronger than tennis balls? They don't last very long in our house:)

    Lovely photos. Your boys are very well read:)

  2. I am so impressed with Zachary wearing those socks. Kolchak looks like an acrobat trying to kick them off the few times I have tried it!

  3. Looking good :)

    Stop on by for a visit

  4. I had to wear socks lately. As mom predicted I didn't keep it on long. Your a good boy, dawg!!

    Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack

  5. The Seuss inspiration was brilliant! I love how you always tie all that stuff together into your shots. You're much better at that than I am! I am now pondering getting socks for Bunny, though...
