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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bed Head

Radial Monochrome

Dog Blog Post #528: That's it? Today's blog is nothing more than a picture of doggie bed head?

Alas, yes. I'm afraid it's true.

Today's Daily Dog Challenge was...

35. Monochrome Make a monochrome photo with your dog today!

... and when paired with...

Our Daily Challenge - Nov 1, 2011 - "Radiating Lines"
111 Pictures in 2011 - "#61. body"

... I ended up with a broadside shot of Henry, as I noted in the flickr description:

Henry's coat always looks just a little bit tousled, as though he's going through life with permanent bed head - all over his body - and includes this swirl of fur radiating from a central point on his rear leg.

And now I'm scampering off to bed myself, or I won't have enough time asleep to get bed head!

Editor's Note (no, Editor's don't sleep): I got such a kick out of the captions folks came up with for yesterday's Caption Me picture on the "Monday Mischief - Alien!" post. Must remember to try that again some time!

For the record, the one that I thought best summed up both the shot -and- the personality of the dogs pictured, was from Snoopy over at Snoopy's Dogblog

Caption This
"No, really - they have got a set for you too, just ask!!"

Thanks to all who commented! :)

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us! © 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Bwaaaaa ha ha! That caption is killing me! We needed Snoopy for the DDC. I love their expressions in that one. Now I'm going to have to find some radiating lines on Miss Bunny...

  2. These are fabrics that are traditionally used, like cotton or some other synthetic fabric, printed with the design of the animals. The Small dog beds Cheap with compair to others. It may not be as soft, or as luxurious, as the original thing.

  3. Snicker. The red head has really messy hair... all of the time. Not sure what we're gonna do when it's 12 inches long.

  4. Nothing wrong with some bed head

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