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Monday, December 19, 2011

Dances with Wolves

Dances with Wolves

Dog Blog Post #541: Today's Daily Dog Challenge...

48. Magic - Whatever comes to mind when you think of magic and your dog

... plus...

Our Daily Challenge - Dec 16, 2011 - "Mystical Figure"
Artistic Temperament Scavenger Hunt - "#41. Shaman"

... kept me busy for several hours. Finding an outline of a wolf that I could print and then trace was the easy part, as a google search turned up a nice picture by Kristie Zurio, which was conveniently free for such usage so long as the above link and attribution was included.

A few bits of feathers, some shell buttons, a handful of turquoise colored beads, all held together with bits of tape and some thread... ta da!

Keeping the boys from not eating my fragile creation? Well, that was a bit harder.

Dances with Wolves

I like to think of it as the boys getting in touch with the ancestors. :)

I once again hauled the floor lamp from the study to the kitchen, and while the lighting isn't optimal, it does make things a bit more tolerable. In this case, the floor lamp is sitting to the left and slightly in front of the big puffy pillow.

They were having so much fun they didn't want to stop (as in, they refused to budge from the pillow, even I after I had left the room) and so I humored them by setting up two additional setups for two other items on the 111 Pictures in 2011 list (going to be touch-n-go as to whether I finish in time) but as I haven't had time to pick a favorite shot, you will have to wait to see them.

I will say that one set tickled me enough that it might make an appearance for Wordless Wednesday, if nothing better comes along. :)

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Great idea. DH and I are always imagining the dogs wild adventures. It makes for fun when you need a moment of distraction.

  2. yet another great shot...boy I was happy I got a picture of Tucker with his 'jingle bell collar' on..and look at how creative you are!!!...one day?..maybe Tucker will co-operate like Henry and Zach do!!

  3. I love your idea for the shot! I've been really stumped on the Shaman idea. I think I might have something now, though!

    You've totally piqued my curiosity about the rest now, too!

  4. That is one of the most beautiful picture I think you have done. So Earthy and rich with culture and root. I just love it!
