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Friday, December 9, 2011

Every dog knows that...

Every Dogs Knows That....

Dog Blog Post #530: I wish I could say that I carefully planned out the shot above - positioning the Lacrosse balls "just so", training Zachary to run cheerfully with a ball in his mouth, setting up an automatic triggering system that would sense him in exactly the right location and then capture the shot...

... but I didn't.

Today's Daily Dog Challenge was:

"38. Every dog knows that ______"

... and so I grabbed a couple of dogs, headed out back, and spent 10-15 minutes banging off pictures.

If every dog knows it, I figured I was bound to see an example of it.

And so we played fetched, stopped to examine the green and growing things, and played Obedience Dog.

Hah - fooled you, didn't I. No, that's not Zachary. That's actually Henry. No, he isn't good at it, but he loves to think he is, so every time I walk from hither-to-yon he prances merrily at my side, sitting when I stop, starting when I step, staring up at me lovingly, all the while waiting for his cookie. No, I have no idea why he enjoys it so much, but Henry is a bit of an enigma at times.

Oh, and I picked up a picture of the wall for Scavenge Challenge while I was out...

Against a Wall
Three guesses what Zachary is chewing on

... because every wall looks better with a golden sitting next to it, don't you think?

And then, late in the evening, I looked through my pile of photos and decided that...

"Every dog knows that a ball in the mouth is worth two on the lawn!"

At least we didn't have any losses like the other day...

Ball Down!
Three guesses what Zachary is looking for

... or get blown over by the wind!

A Bit Windy

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. I love all of those shots! Henry is really starting to get darker, at least to my eye. You have to love a good enigma! Zachary, I wonder if you'll ever meet something you love more than a Lacrosse ball.

  2. a day filled with balls..perfection in the eyes of a golden!

  3. You still had to be quick enough to catch it. Wonderful shots.

  4. I am so impressed with your photography taking of your lovely Goldens. I find it hard to get Tucker to be still long enough sometimes to get a sharp photo. Puppies....what can I say.

    Seeing your poochies makes me miss my Golden girl....especially outside shots. We did a lot of hikes and walks together.

  5. lovin' the wind shot.

    all your photos are wonderful!

  6. My best shots are always the unplanned ones... trick is to never admit that ;) LOVE the butt shot!
