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Friday, December 16, 2011

A Good Cause

A Good Cause

Dog Blog Post #537: Today's Daily Dog Challenge was:

"45. A Good Cause" - Use your creativity to come up with a good shot for the prompt today!"

... which coupled beautifully with:

Artistic Temperament Scavenger Challenge "#44. In the Pink"

As everyone knows...

A Good Cause

Real Men Wear Pink.

This was surprisingly easy, once I thought about it. The pink they are lying on is the inside of an older robe of mine laid out over their puffy bed. I usually try to smooth the bed out a little better, but the dogs kept throwing themselves on it (since posing = cookies) and I finally gave up.

I bought two simple, identical, black 1" quick-release nylon collars, and threaded a strip of pink ribbon through the D ring that the leash would clip to. A little double-sided tape to hold the ribbon to itself, and I was done.

(In the future, I'm hoping I can figure out how to make tuxedo points and a bow tie to use with the collar, as well.)

You will note that the collars are barely visible under their ruffs, hence my overwhelming envy of beautiful greyhound collars and how apparent they appear on greyhound necks. :)

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us! © 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I am still just in love with those pictures this morning! It's such a perfect idea for the challenge, and I really do have to try it.

    Ha ha ha! Greyhounds DO know how to wear collars well! There's just something about those long, elegant necks that begs to show them off.

    The Goldens in the pictures from today are full sisters, born in two different litters. They've had Journey since she was a little puppy. Harbor is older and they just got her this summer after their old Cocker Spaniel died. She is just the sweetest girl, and definitely deserving of a life after having puppies. The other "Golden" in the picture is really a Duck Tolling Retriever. There are A LOT of Goldens in the group, and it's always fun to see them there!
