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Friday, December 16, 2011


Tell us what you really think
Tell us what you really think...

Dog Blog Post #539: Oh dear, perhaps we don't want Henry to tell us what he's thinking, do we?

Today's Daily Dog Challenge had nothing to do with that shot. No, today's assignment was...

46. Fill - Take a picture of your dog that fills the camera frame today.

... but I thought you might enjoy the lighter side of the Precious Puppy before we delve into to a more contemplative role.

Sunshine Boy

Head to Tail

Ball of Henry

And not to be left out of the Saturday Blog Hop, here's Zachary showing off his Easy Button pushing skills, for 111 Pictures in 2011 - #1. Buttons...

Easy Button

... and pulling a "training" basket for Scavenge Challenge:

14. Find something artistic or functional created from scrap materials.


Precious Puppies prefer posing to pushing or pulling...


-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Lovely photos! You're very inventive!

  2. Happy Saturday woofs & hugs! <3

    ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

  3. That's it! I have got to find our Easy button! I love that shot. The first one is just adorable, too!

    Bunny says that time is running out for that jingle collar!

  4. Oh Dog! How talented you are.... and very photogenic I might add. woo woo woo!
