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Tuesday, December 20, 2011



Dog Blog Post #542: Today's Daily Dog Challenge...

49. Traditions - This time of year, most of us are celebrating some kind of tradition. Show us one of yours with your dog today!

... was most fitting for this time year. Alas, I didn't get what I was after. It wasn't the boy's fault - they were more than happy to cooperate - it was the dratted lighting issues. The yellow floor lamps clashed horribly with the blue northern light backlighting the Christmas tree, creating a lighting nightmare.

Oh well... perhaps I'll try again tomorrow, just for kicks.

You will note I trotted out the Evil Jingle Collar -- and what to my wondering eyes did appear, but a sweet Precious Puppy without any fear. He stuck out his neck as I slipped collar on, then posed there quite proudly, as though nothing was wrong.


And here's a couple more shots from yesterday's set. You'll recall that the boys didn't want the shoot to end, so I looked over my dwindling options for 111 Pictures in 2011, and pulled out "#58. Metal", which also went with Our Daily Challenge "Silver and Gold" (assuming you consider the boys to fulfill the "gold" part!)

Silver and Gold

Silver and Gold

The belt dates back to my high school days (one of those "why do I still have this" things) but I thought it looked rather regal around Zachary's neck. Best of all, you could actually SEE it despite his ruff. I might have to give this some thought and see if I can expand upon the idea somehow.

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. They look rather happy to be helping with the holiday shoot.

  2. happy holidays Henry and Zach and your 'family' too..nice jingle collar!!..as you know Tucker has one just like it!!

  3. The evil jingle collar looks fabulous, Henry! You've grown so much since last year.

    I kept trying to think of something to do for the silver and gold assignment and drew a blank. I love yours!

  4. They look beautiful under the tree.

  5. So festive!! We have those bell collars... minus the bells I had to take off as Becky wanted to eat them ;)

    Your boys have the softest looking coats!

  6. I'm really digging that jingle collar.
