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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Golden Age

Golden Age of Film

Dog Blog Post #559: Golden Age of Film, that is.

Daily Dog Challenge "67. Captivate - Captivate us with a photo of your dog today!"

... was combined with:

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 06, 2012 - "Film Noir Style"
112 Pictures in 2012 - "Old"
Scavenge Challenge January 2012 - "8. Convey the idea of deception, secrecy or something hidden."

I had a lot of fun setting this one up, and was surprised it actually came out basically as I had envisioned it despite my doubts at the start.

I was also surprised that Zachary's "Clark Gable" good looks didn't carry the day. Is it just me, or is there something "Humphry Bogart" about Henry in the shot up top?

The remote control I received for Christmas is a truly awesome thing for shots like this. I'm standing just off camera to the left. Here are a few others...

Golden Age of Film

Golden Age of Film

And the original (color) versions...

Golden Age of Film

Golden Age of Film

Golden Age of Film

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Oh, my! Your goldens are gorgeous! Thank you for hosting- I'm a first timer, linking "Meet George".
    Kerry at HouseTalkN (With newly added "DogTalkN")

  2. Those are some great pics! woo woo woo!

  3. I really love those pics! I was trying to think of an assignment for tomorrow that would include the film noir theme! I love the idea, but haven't quite figured out how to accomplish it yet. Your pictures turned out fantastic!

  4. I do love the black 'n' whites. There's something really special about them.

  5. The very first one is our favorite - fantastic!!!

    Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack

  6. Love these pictures! Especially the first one. Thanks for always linking up with the Pet Bloggers Blog Hop.


  7. Beautiful photos of him looking into the light.
