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Friday, January 27, 2012

Ice is Nice

Ice Is Nice

Dog Blog Post #?: Spent waaaaaaay too long trying to capture the only non-dog picture in this post, which had nothing to do with today's Daily Dog Challenge assignment of...

88. Patterns - Take a photo of your dog that includes some kind of repeating pattern.

Our Daily Challenge - Jan. 27, 2012 - "Repetition"

The pattern of whisker holes (what ARE those things called?), the pattern on his nose, and the repeated shapes of the…

Scavenge Challenge January 2012 - "21. Ice is nice. Summer or winter, I'm sure you can find some."

112 Pictures in 2012 - "#18. On the Ground or Floor"

Here's a few that didn't quite make the cut.

Ice is Nice

Ice is Nice

Ice is Nice

Zachary was too busy dropping his Lacrosse Ball at my feet and nudging my arm right before I snapped the picture (of course) to show up into today's shots.

So what did I spent the rest of my time on?

The last picture for Scavenge Challenge for January - "17. Photograph a liquid in a clear glass or goblet. Watch out for "hot spots!""


I must have tried a dozen things and taken 80 shots!

I think I'll stick to dogs in laundry.... speaking of which, here's a few more from that shoot. :)

Seemed Like A Good Idea...

Seemed Like A Good Idea...

Seemed Like A Good Idea...
Zachary: "Next time I get to fluff and HE has to fold!"

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us! © 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I love the photos, as always! I think I love the laundry photos the best!

  2. Hi Y'all,

    Looks like a HOT day where y'all are!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  3. Great pictures, but I still love the laundry ones!! :)

  4. I love the ice cube photos... but dogs in the laundry are fuzzy and warm!

  5. You two are so photogenic! I like the ice pics.... did you eat it?

  6. I'm cracking up! I almost shot Bunny's whisker holes for the same assignment! That's uncanny!

    The second laundry shot with Zachary's tongue sticking out killed me. Those shots must have been so much fun!
