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Monday, January 23, 2012

May the Force...

May the Force...

Dog Blog Post #576: Today's Daily Dog Challenge assignment was...

84. The Blues - Rainy days and Mondays always get us down! Take a photo with blue in it today.

... which, when combined with...

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 23 2012 - "Pollution"
Scavenge Challenge January 2012 - "15. Create a photo with a futuristic or science-fictiony look."
112 Pictures in 2012 - "#10. Silvery"

... left me with: "Zachary using the Force to cause an evil star fighter to run into a wad of silvery space pollution."

Yeah, I know. I tried too hard. (sigh)

The background is a sheet from a set purchased to help "stage" our house for sale years ago. For whatever reason, my son didn't care for it, and now I have a nice starry prop piece.

The LEGOs came from same son's room, a relic of years ago. It's hung from the top of the backboard using dark thread looped over a butterfly clip.

The, uh, "outfit" outfitting Zachary was my first choice for "chain mail" for yesterday's King Arthur shot. I think it looks better in the future than it ever would have looked in the past, anyway.

The foil came from the kitchen. :)

A small flashlight is shining on just the foil, helping to bring it out just a bit. If only Zachary moved an inch in practically ANY direction, perhaps I would have liked the shot. As it was, it seemed the lesser of a stack of evils...

May the Force...
Hey Zachary, look DOWN!

May the Force...
Uh, Henry - shouldn't you be keeping an eye on that crashing space ship?

Ah, well. There's always tomorrow. :)

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. I absolutely and totally loved these pictures! The second one might be my personal favorite of the group.

    You're REALLY trying to get me to make that AT-AT costume, aren't you?

  2. may the force be with you!..have a great week!!

  3. These are awesome! I agree - I'm loving that second one.
