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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Mood, Music, Montage, Mischief... and Salt


Dog Blog Post #561: I kinda lumped a bunch of stuff together today, so we have...

Daily Dog Challenge "69. Create A Mood - Whatever you and your dog are feeling today, take a picture and create the mood for us."


Our Daily Challenge - Jan. 8, 2012 - "Salty"
112 Pictures in 2012 - "#19. Music"
Scavenge Challenge January 2012 - 24. This month's Education Center topic is "Snapshot vs. Photograph - #4. A change in lighting."

Defined as:

Zachary, chilling out with his tunes and a salty snack on his soft puffy pillow.

What more could a dog ask for?

Ok… maybe a Lacrosse Ball or two, but I can't include them in EVERY shot!

Here's the montage...

Happy Snappy Montage

Scavenge Challenge January 2012 - 24. This month's Education Center topic is "Snapshot vs. Photograph," and you will be making four images to complete the assignment. You must use the same camera for each shot. You may present them as individual photos or as a montage. Numbers 2-4 may be made in combination, but you must present four images in all.

1. A "point-and-shoot" version (the boring one)
2. An alternate angle and/or zoom
3. Additional props added to the scene
4. A change in lighting

... of which the picture at the very top of this post is #4.

Henry gave it a go as well...


... and if I'd had the flash turned on, that would have been my favorite of the day. PLUS, unlike Zachary, I can actually stick the earbuds in Henry's ears. I have to cheat with Zachary and loop them behind his neck.

Here's Henry with the bounced flash - and he's fine it since I added a Black Foamie Thing to it.


And finally, since it's Mischief Monday (for those old enough to remember) we have...

What's This Stuff?
"What's this Stuff?"

"I'm not gonna try it. YOU try it!"


Very hard to get an esthetically pleasing shot when your model is staring at the food as though it's disgusting.

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

Alfie's Blog

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I loved it, and seeing your montage makes it a lot clearer for me now. I guess I'd better start working on that. Despite the lighting, Henry's shot is my favorite of all of them! He's just so expressive! Zachary is definitely no slouch in the modeling department, either!

  2. What a great way to pull everything together! Great shots!

  3. let 'Mikey' try it..he eats anything...ok now I am dating myself..darn commercials from when I was a younger person!..
    great shots..salty but where is the beer?

  4. Ah,

    I love that last shot!! So cute!! I think I'd have had my nose in the bowl too checking it out!! :)

    Have a fun day,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  5. My pups hate salty snacks

    Stop on by for a visit

  6. Perfect pose and not tasting...love the earbuds in the photo!

  7. Rooo rooo your doggies missed out the best bit - chewing headphones taste much better than salty treats! *waggy tail*

    Superb photos - really looks like they are enjoying the music!

  8. Awesome pictures!! What a great model you have! :)

    Thanks for joining the hop!


  9. Aw, I love your photos! Can't wait to see what is next!

  10. I love the photo of Henry looking up! It's beautiful.
