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Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Resolutions

New Years Resolution

Dog Blog Post #554: What would a new year be without resolutions?

Daily Dog Challenge "62. New Beginnings"

Our Daily Challenge - January 1, 2011 - "In with the New"
112 Pictures in 2012 - "#96. Paper"

So the boys decided to jot down their New Years Resolutions today.

What are the human side's resolutions? Well, Zachary's list is (for the most part) a pretty good start. That is, the various flickr groups I focus on (Daily Dog Challenge, Our Daily Challenge, Scavenger Challenge, 112 Pictures in 2012, and Artistic Temperament Scavenger Hunt) plus a new Trick each month (that whole trick a week thing was a dismal failure) and possibly Rally. Zachary's on his own when it comes to #8. Organize Toys Alphabetically. :)

(Not that there is anything wrong Henry's resolution to eat more cookies!)

New Years Resolution

Speaking of which, here's some legible versions of the same. Click to see larger.

Here's the 112 Pictures in 2012 list...


Here's the new January Scavenger Challenge list...


Here's the Montage for the completed December Scavenger Challenge...

Scavenge Challenge December 2011

And the links to each picture...
1. Holiday Street Scene, 2. Job Interview, 3. Balance, 4. Navigation, 5. Be Mine?
6. Sheriff Zachary, 7. Mom!!!, 8. Zen Puppy, 9. Froggie, 10. Bent
11. 335 Pickup, 12. A Bit Breezy, 13. Mural, 14. Scrap, 15. Balsa Glider
16. Against a Wall, 17. Gnarly Roots, 18. Spin!, 19. Traditions, 20. Black
21. Bokeh Henry, 22. Captain Zach, 23. Hats, 24. Ho Ho Ho, 25. Christmas Cookies

Created with fd's Flickr Toys

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. your boys make me smile each and every time!!..now Tucker's only resolution?..'paw-ty more'!!!

  2. Whew you are so organized.

    WE can't wait to see what is on the menu this year.

    Thanks for all the beautiful posts.

    Boy I wish Bert was half as clean and nicely groomed as your boys always are.

    Happy New Year
    Bert's My Vickie

  3. These pictures might be my favorites all year! I LOVE Henry's resolutions! Why didn't I think of that? I need to eat more cookies, too! *snort*

    I need to get myself that organized with the lists! I'd do better on getting them done if I did. I need to figure out how to get them with those little boxes beside them.

  4. I bow to your organization skills. You rock BZ.

    I am still stuck somewhere in July looking for my post it notes that lost their stickie.

    Loved the crayon v pen, so creative.
