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Saturday, January 7, 2012

On The Edge

On The Edge

Dog Blog Post #560: Running short on time. Had to think "simple" for today's Daily Dog Challenge assignment...

68. On The Edge" Take a picture that involves your dog and some kind of edge!


112 Pictures in 2012 - "#104. Edge(s)" - Table or Tongue, take your pick!
Scavenge Challenge January 2012 - "9. Resistance is futile! Photograph something irresistible."
Our Daily Challenge - Jan. 7, 2012 - "Ripples" - Zachary's tongue is rippling.

On The Edge

On The Edge

And then we have...

Scavenge Challenge January 2012 - "2. Make a photo of something upside-down (main part of the shot must be rightside-up)."


I swear I didn't glue Zachary to the ceiling then turn the camera over just for this shot! :)

112 Pictures in 2012 - "#91. Candid"

No planning, props, posing, or peanut-butter treats.


Just off camera to the right is Henry, who Zachary is trying to lure into a game of bitey-face by rolling onto his back.

He was successful, of course, as he always is, and as evidenced by the next shot...


-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Cute. Pallo would be inhaling that spoon of peanut butter, rather than licking it.

  2. great tongue shoT..yummy peanut butter!!

  3. That tongue on the table edge is a familiar sight around chez rottrover!!

  4. It was such a great idea for the assignment! You're always full of them!

    The Golden version of bitey face seems much tamer than the Shepherd version. Morgan and Kuster look like the Clash of the Titans while they run around and jump on each other. Zachary and Henry look so civilized just laying there on the floor!

  5. Those first shots are fantastic! Love the POV.

  6. The peanut butter rocks, why didn't I think of that?

    And the two of them on their backs...
