Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Painters

The Painters

The Painters

The Painters

The Painters


... and for today...

Mr. Zachary

Editor's Note: As we're going wordless, you'll have to click on the image, above, to see what the challenges were!

Dog Blog Post #584: -- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us! © 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


Sue and Doug said...

nice drip of drool!!!

Beyond the Dog Dish said...

What no treats in the paint can?

Kristin G. said...

Something tells me this could get messy! Sorry I haven't visited for so long. Hopefully things will return to normal for me soon. I hope you all are happy and healthy! xo

houndstooth said...

You always have such creative set ups, but this one is one of my favorites in a long time! I love how their expressions make every shot! You did such a great job on this one. :D

greygirl25 said...

I have a whole house that needs painted, wanna send those boys here?

Anonymous said...

I need your dogs for a short day on rent hahahaha very nice pic's I like it
Painting Company