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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Painters

The Painters

The Painters

The Painters

The Painters


... and for today...

Mr. Zachary

Editor's Note: As we're going wordless, you'll have to click on the image, above, to see what the challenges were!

Dog Blog Post #584: -- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us! © 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Something tells me this could get messy! Sorry I haven't visited for so long. Hopefully things will return to normal for me soon. I hope you all are happy and healthy! xo

  2. You always have such creative set ups, but this one is one of my favorites in a long time! I love how their expressions make every shot! You did such a great job on this one. :D

  3. I have a whole house that needs painted, wanna send those boys here?

  4. I need your dogs for a short day on rent hahahaha very nice pic's I like it
    Painting Company
