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Monday, January 16, 2012

Peeping Henry

The Eyes Have It

Dog Blog Post #568: One of those "running late" sort of nights, but thankfully, today's pictures for...

Daily Dog Challenge "76. On The Horizon - Take a photograph of your dog today that features a horizon line. It doesn't have to be outdoors, it can be the horizon of your couch or whatever!"

In this case, it's a a table. A…

Our Daily Challenge - Jan. 15, 2012 "Grey/Gray"

… gray table, with Henry carefully positioned so that it would...

Scavenge Challenge January 2012 - "12. Crop a portrait (human or animal) so that only a portion of the face is shown."

… revealing just his…

112 Pictures in 2012 - "#97. Eye(s)"

… eyes… and a tail.

... pretty much speak for themselves.

The Eyes Have It

And for Monday Mischief, we have something other than the boys being mischievous...

Overgrown Fence

Yup, the Big Bad Hedge swallowed up Zachary's Lacrosse Ball.


Overgrown Fence

I'm pretty sure Zachary thinks it is intentional.

Overgrown Fence

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us! © 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Great photos and such beautiful dogs!

  2. Love the pictures!! They are so good!


  3. Cute peeping picture. The other one near the hedge looks like an 8 legged dog. BOL

  4. I love that first photo, and all of them, really! The eyes over the table is a great idea!

    How dare that hedge eat Zachary's ball? The nerve!

  5. Henry, whatcha lookin' at?

    Love the ball hunt! I'm sure it was an easy find for them.

  6. Hey Henry,

    We can see you Dude!! Tee Hee

    You guys are having lots of fun, can I join in? :)

    Your pal Snoopy :)
