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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Pretty in Pink

Looking Around

Looking Around

Looking Around

Looking Around

Sleepy Henry

Dog Blog Post #563:

Daily Dog Challenge "71. Looking Around - Take a photo of your dog looking around something today."
112 Pictures in 2012 - "#30. Pink and Green"
Our Daily Challenge - Jan. 10, 2012 - "Feminine"

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. I love this one. All the pictures in this set are great, I like the last one the most.

    I love your challenges.

  2. those boys of yours would be pretty houndsome in any colour!!

  3. Henry stole the show on this one! I just like the hat on the ground better than on Zachary's head for some reason. Although that last, soft shot of Henry looks adorable! You did a great job with these!

  4. I kind of want to hang that last photo in my house. Gorgeous.

  5. The last one seems to say he is done.

  6. Lovely (in a handsome kind of way.)


  7. Pink rocks on a golden. I love how he is getting up underneath the hat.
