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Wednesday, January 18, 2012



Dog Blog Post #571: I considered many options for today's Daily Dog Challenge of

78. Modern Dog - Is your pup up with the times? Show us how your dog is (or maybe isn't) a modern dog!

... but by the time I had time to shoot, I had run out of gas. The thought of pulling out "the set" again was just too much. So I went with my contingency shot, taking during the daily game of fetch.

It also had the advantage of satisfying...

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 18, 2012 - "Intersecting"
112 Pictures in 2012 - "#43. Game"

As I noted in the flickr description:

It seems the boys are traditionalists, for none of the technological marvels I trotted out was going to distract Zachary from the Best Game Ever:


"You throw it. I'll bring it back," is his motto, and nothing deters him from that self-appointed task.

Not even Henry.

Since today promised to be the last sunny day in like, oh, forever (if the weather folks are right) I also snapped a few shots that had been rattling around in my head for the past week or so:

Scavenge Challenge January 2012 - "5. Fragility can be defined a number of ways. Photograph something fragile."
112 Pictures in 2012 - "#58. Delicate"

The remains of a Hydrangea bloom, ready to crumble to dust at the slightest touch.

Scavenge Challenge January 2012 - "4. Get as close in as possible to a flower's center, either by zoom or macro."

Dried Hydrangea
Flowers in January? Not in my yard! Here's the crispy remains of a Hydrangea cluster, with Henry providing background tones.

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. I wish we even had the dried out flowers here! I'll have to look, but I think they may have all blown away.

    I would never have figured the boys for traditionalists! Looks like some serious slamming action there.
