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Saturday, January 21, 2012



Dog Blog Post #573: Today's Daily Dog Challenge assignment of:

81. Soft Light - Take a photo of your dog using soft light today.


Our Daily Challenge - Jan. 20, 2012 - "Oriental"
112 Pictures in 2012 - "Souvenir or Memento"

... was the perfect opportunity to try out a Christmas gift - a studio in a bag. All in all, it went well, although would it have killed them to provide a few words of instruction???


Not a scrap, not a hint.



Thankfully, assembly was idiot proof (as I was able to assemble it) but correct deployment? I admit to being totally lost. So I nudged things here and shifting things there until it kinda looked like my mental picture of what such a setup ought to look like, based on... well... nothing, really.

Probably pictures seen on the odd photography web site I might have passed through at some time.


Of course, I still have no idea if it really is.

I must stay, though, it did create lovely soft light. For all pictures here, I also added the Speedlight on the camera with the Black Foamie Thing and pointed it at the ceiling. Camera was on the tripod, fired using the remote.

For every shot, except the ones right above and below of Zachary, I added +1 EV (upped the flash) to brighten things up.



And if you made it this far, here's what the setup looked like.

Studio in a Bag

The bag came with a black and also a white backdrop, and a cool stand (some assembly required, of course) to hang it from, but I can only tackle so many new things at one time and I didn't want to freak Henry out with Yet Another New Thing.

Oddly enough, the boys showed no signs of caring about, or even noticing the umbrellas or the stands.

Thankfully, the lights are CFLs and put out almost no heat, a boon for the summer and one less safety hazard to worry about around the fur-kids.

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us! © 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. The boys are gorgeous! Still it is fun to learn and see how much goes into conveying that in your photos! I love it.

  2. I love how the shots turned out, but then I started drooling when I saw your set up! I would kill for that! Good heaven! You made a great haul for Christmas!

  3. I'm betting that would be alot more fun if that bowl was full of fortune cookies! woo woo woo!!!

  4. I usually go after the camera. I wouldn't know which thing to go after with all that equipment. -Bongo

  5. What great Pictures, Wow what a set up, Chris has to catch our on the fly!!

  6. Terrific photos! We have a lot to learn!

  7. Check out that lighting! How cool is that?

    You will learn to love it. I am such a coward and my subjects are just so much less cooperative that it took me a really long time to just dive in.

    Very nice.
