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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Be Mine

Be Mine

Dog Blog Post #595: I considered holding off today's shots until Valentine's Day, but where's the fun in that?

Daily Dog Challenge "103. Puppy Love - Valentine's Day is almost here. Whether you have a human Valentine, your dog will always love you. Take a picture that celebrates that fact."

Scavenge Challenge February 2012 - "10. Many of us celebrate St. Valentine's Day. Show us who or what you love!"
Our Daily Challenge - Feb. 11, 2012 - "Heart"
112 Pictures in 2012 - "#86. Heart"

Gee, what a surprise, eh?

With hearts and coats of gold, they were just made for the love we all hope for on Valentine's Day.

The backdrop, pink fabric, and red rose are new for the day - the white purchased some time ago. The candy box is from a few years ago, and was too pretty to throw away after the chocolates were gone. The ribbon around Zachary's neck came came from a present, and was also too pretty to throw away. It's really ribbon, not that nasty stiff stuff, and was knotted to just the right size. All I had to do was slip it over a willing dog's neck. The heart pendant (dangling from the ribbon around Zachary's neck) was picked up for a song over the summer.

I'm not sure pink becomes the boys, and I had a heck of time trying to color correct as the lighting was from a north facing window (straight left), a pair of CFL's (one on each side), an incandescent (above and behind camera on the left) -plus- a bounced flash.

Did I mention I had a check of a time trying to color correct?

Be Mine

Editor's Note: So I changed the blog from anyone being able to comment to only those registered (or something like that - it eliminates "anonymous" users) and I have received no spam since then. Let's hope it stays that way!

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. This has an incredible sweetness about it. I sure would accept the boys' invitation and be their Valentine.

  2. Oh dat's just precious. We LOVES the background. How creative!!

    Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack

  3. I am sure the boys will receive tons of valentines!

  4. Ok we accept :)

    Stop on by for a visit

  5. I absolutely adore those pictures! I had a total gush moment over the whole thing. The boys are just so sweet!

    And Bunny says that of course she loves Golden fur since she has some herself, just in the short version with a pink cast to it.

  6. I absolutely adore those pictures! I had a total gush moment over the whole thing. The boys are just so sweet!

    And Bunny says that of course she loves Golden fur since she has some herself, just in the short version with a pink cast to it.
