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Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Color Purple


Dog Blog Post #587: Talk about a confluence of events. Today we had...

Daily Dog Challenge - "95. Purple Haze - Take a photo that features the color purple today!"
Scavenge Challenge February 2012 - "13. Liven up your photostream with something purple!"
112 Pictures in 2012 - "#90. Purple"

... with the lone outlier of...

Our Daily Challenge - Feb. 3, 2012 - "Weather"

As Purple Rain (or rain of any kind) didn't seem to be in the forecast, I went rummaging through the closet and came up with a shirt my hubby wore as a kid.

As for the weather? Pure sunshine!



And while I showed you this month's new Scavenger List yesterday, I don't think I ever showed the mosaic created for last month. So here it is:

Scavenge Challenge January 2012

1. Cooking with Canines - EXPLORED, 2. Upside-Down, 3. Penguin, 4. Dried Hydrangea, 5. Fragile
6. Rain Rain..., 7. Bored, 8. Golden Age of Film - EXPLORED, 9. On The Edge, 10. Recyclable Toy
11. Agapanthus Seed Pod, 12. The Eyes Have It, 13. Mr. Zachary, 14. Birch Tree, 15. May the Force...
16. Overgrown Fence, 17. Glass, 18. Once and Future King, 19. Tunes, 20. It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere - EXPLORED
21. Ice Is Nice, 22. Seemed Like A Good Idea..., 23. Sharp Dressed Dog - EXPLORED, 24. Happy Snappy Montage, 25. Chillin'

Made it here.

And here's the list...

1. Arrange ingredients and measures for an image suitable for a cookbook.
2. Make a photo of something upside-down (main part of the shot must be rightside-up).
3. Cute critter of the month: penguins! Go on, find a real one. I dare ya!
4. Get as close in as possible to a flower's center, either by zoom or macro.
5. Fragility can be defined a number of ways. Photograph something fragile.
6. Something magical is the subject, and you may interpret as freely as you like!
7. Suggest monotony or boredom in a composition.
8. Convey the idea of deception, secrecy or something hidden.
9. Resistance is futile! Photograph something irresistible.
10. How or what do you recycle? Make it look good!
11. Search out one or more seed pods and explore their beauty.
12. Crop a portrait (human or animal) so that only a portion of the face is shown.
13. Make a sunny-day shot! You have all month. :LOL:
14. Photograph something tall.
15. Create a photo with a futuristic or science-fictiony look.
16. If it's overgrown with vegetation, it's a candidate for this assignment.
17. Photograph a liquid in a clear glass or goblet. Watch out for "hot spots!"
18. Depict something mythological or legendary in an image.
19. By special request, the subject is open to interpretation: music.
20. Find something odd, quirky or weird. Keep it cute and amusing, please.
21. Ice is nice. Summer or winter, I'm sure you can find some.
22. Who's ignoring housework for photography? Go tidy something up and take a picture!
23. By request, costume yourself, a friend or a pet for a fun photo.
24. This month's Education Center topic is "Snapshot vs. Photograph," and you will be making four images to complete the assignment. You must use the same camera for each shot. You may present them as individual photos or as a montage. Numbers 2-4 may be made in combination, but you must present four images in all. Be sure to read the details in the Education Center before starting! The requirements are as follows:

1. A "point-and-shoot" version (the boring one)
2. An alternate angle and/or zoom
3. Additional props added to the scene
4. A change in lighting

NOTE: Square #25 (lower right) - the "extra" picture - is the final shot for #24.

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. Woof! Woof! LOVE the color PURPLE. COOL Shades. As always you guys looks great. Happy BLOG HOP Weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  2. You're very handsom in purple, boys!

  3. All I can think of when I see these photos is Jack Nicholson with his sunglasses! LOL!

  4. Purple sure looks good on you!!!

    Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack

  5. I adore the purple shots! Your boys were fantastic sports. You almost had an all dog Scavenge Challenge again this month. That's pretty darned cool!

  6. so 'houndsome' in the shades!!!..such a pair of 'blog stars'!!

  7. Your two guys are just adorable!!! Lovin' the purple!! We are your newest followers!!
    xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  8. *giggles* Digging those crazy glasses dude! Great pics as always!

  9. Terrific pictures! We love the mosaic, so much work went into that, we're sure!

  10. I love it - purple is my favorite color! I love the mosaic of last month's pictures too!
