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Thursday, February 9, 2012

On The Job

On The Job

Dog Blog Post #593: (Hate selfies. Hate selfies. Hate selfies.)

Daily Dog Challenge 101. On The Job" - Our dogs all have jobs, whether it's one we give them or one they give themselves. Show us your dog "on the job" today.

The boys have many jobs, from providing and accepting endless amounts of love, to returning any and all items throw away - even those you don't want brought back.

But one of their favorite jobs is being a photography model.

Photography models work short hours, get lots of attention, and are paid in a nearly endless stream of treats.

It's a Good Thing.

Note: No, of course I don't normally stand that close -and- no, that's not a clicker in my left hand, it's the camera remote control. The right hand has the treats. Had I been trying to get a "real" picture (as opposed to a selfie) for this sort of shot, I probably would have dropped the treats behind the horse to get a better arch to Zachary's neck. That said, for many shots, I do hold the treats just like this.

Our Daily Challenge February 9, 2012 - "Self Portrait"

112 Pictures in 2012 - "1. Me (Yourself)"

Ok, folks. Can we decree that there will be no more selfies in 2012?



Scavenge Challenge February 2012 - "3. Cute critter of the month: horses and ponies, real or artificial."

My Uncle bought this little Clydesdale for me when I was in High School, and I immediately fell in love with it. :)

On The Job
I think the horse looks more lively than Zachary and I.
On The Job
Best looking horse shot, IMHO.
-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. I'm with you! I hate taking pictures of myself. I don't have enough room upstairs to work it out really effectively, either. (Imagine the uproar if this were a DDC assignment! :P)

  2. nice shot..love the scarf!..so western-ish!..
