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Monday, February 20, 2012

Quirky Frogs

Quirky Frogs

Dog Blog Post #603: Whew, I'd forgotten what a challenge it is to get out and about with a dog, a camera of size, a tripod, and no helpers.

Daily Dog Challenge "#111. Local Interest - Take a picture of your dog at a point of local interest near you. Note that local can be some place that you visit near you, and that it doesn't have to be a huge monument. It can be something quirky or fun that's unique to your area."

No mountains, no oceans, a few arroyos (fancy word for "gulch") but no rivers, no forests, no monuments, no historic buildings that have any visual interest… Yup, I living in a rather uninteresting corner of the world.

112 Pictures in 2012 - "#49 - Statue or Sculpture"

BUT we do have a large pair of fat frog sculptures that delight the local children, and I thought might fall under the category of "quirky".

Scavenge Challenge February 2012 - "2. Easy one - just find something starting with "Cr..." (yeah, like "Crow!")"

The frog prince and princess wear CRowns.

Quirky Frogs

The cheekiness of the top photo aside, Henry was being a good boy, so I decided to see if I could satisfy...

Scavenge Challenge February 2012 - "11. Emphasize the sturdy, solid construction of a subject."

... while I was out.


What a good boy, Henry!

But once again, the biggest Mischief Maker this weekend appears to have been me...

Cookie Clip

Cookie Clip

The clip is from my big photography bag, and they are used to hold various and sundry things.

Today, one is holding a cookie, much to Henry's dismay.

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. the frog.. gave me a minor heart attack =D

  2. Geez! That's one giant frog! Poor Henry waiting for his treat. :)

  3. Woof! Woof! HUGE Frogs ... Happy Monday! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  4. I need a pair of those frog statues here! They are so cute, and I love Henry's expressions. That boy always steals the show!

  5. Hey, it's Jet here.

    Impressed your human admitted their mischief!

  6. ribbett..ribbett!!..another great photo op..hope Henry got the cookie!!

  7. Henry, that's some very impressive restraint there! Where's the drool?
