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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Seeing Red

Kisses Free

Dog Blog Post #611: Today was another chance to combine things that had nothing in common. The Daily Dog Challenge was...

119. Seeing Red - It's Monday again, but that doesn't mean you have to suffer from the blues. Take a picture with your dog that features some red and cheer up! We're one day closer to the next weekend.


Our Daily Challenge - Feb. 27, 2012 - was "Sweet and Sour"

So after spending the first half of the day trying to think of a Red object that went with "Sweet and Sour" and the boys, I finally threw in the proverbial towel and relegated it "backdrop" - opting to concentrate on "Sweet and Sour" instead.

Leaving me not much closer to idea as I was drawing blanks on "Sweet and Sour" in general. In fact, I could only think of two "Sweet and Sour" things - Chinese Food and Lemons.

And had today been a different day, a trip to a chinese restaurant for some take out might have been on order. But today was today, and take out wasn't an option.

Plan B


I don't have any Lemons.

I looked over the Scavenge Challenge list for any additional ideas. I did finish the month (yeah!) but perhaps there was something there to trigger an idea, which it did, as there's an item there about taking a picture showing a number.

A lemonade stand?

A lemonade stand with a red background?

I suddenly pictured ever-busy Zachary setting up a new business and building a clientele, while Henry is willing to share what little he has with any and all.

And while I didn't have any lemons, I did have some Raspberry Lemonade Crystal Light, which proved to be an adequate (and tasty!) stand-in.

I took just six pictures, then realized when I got on the computer that I had the stands too high (lighting is uneven) and the camera was probably too close as well (focal length rather close for a my liking).

Oh well, it still makes me laugh. :P

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us! © 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I thought it was an awesome and hilarious idea! And I often have trouble keeping the horizon line straight. Thank goodness I found the photo straightener in my camera! lol Chinese food was all I could think of for sweet and sour, too. I'd like to do that one, since at least a few people over at ODC seem to like me, but I'm still not sure what to try. Your idea was perfect!

  2. one of each and a sloppy pooch kiss too!!..so cute your boys are!

  3. How do I sign up for these free kisses? :)

  4. I'm up for the free kisses. I'm growing rather fond of goldens.
