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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Warm Fuzzy Feeling

Warm Fuzzy Feeling

Dog Blog Post #597: Running late. Must be quick.

Our Daily Challenge - Feb. 13, 2012 - "Warm Fuzzy Feeling - Running with the valentines theme, some people think Valentines day is a bit soppy, so why don't you show us something that gives you, and us, a warm and fuzzy feeling."

Scavenger Challenge February 2012 - "10. Many of us celebrate St. Valentine's Day. Show us who or what you love!"

Warm Fuzzy Feeling

Warm Fuzzy Feeling

Warm Fuzzy Feeling

Warm Fuzzy Feeling

And for the Daily Dog Challenge of

105. Something On The Go - Interpret it however you like with your dog, just show us your dog, or a part of your dog, on the go today!

Let Me!

They weren't about to let a little drizzly weather stop the afternoon game of fetch. I, on the other hand, wasn't about to step outside to get a shot.

So we compromised, and I stood just inside the house and heaved the ball down the yard.


Bitey Face!


Happy Valentine's Day!

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I love all your shots! Darn that ODC for sneaking in another one I couldn't add in! *grumbles* I love those warm fuzzy boys of yours, though!

  2. happy valentine's day Henry and Zach!..from Tucker!..I am off to daycare for an overnighter!..whoo hoo..two days with my 'peeps'!!
