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Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Day After

The Day After

Dog Blog Post #624: All good parties must come to an end, and thus this morning dawned to find the boys hard at work on their...

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 11, 2012 - "Chore"

... cleaning up after their wild and Vivid Red Solo Cup mischief chronicled in yesterday's post. Here's a different shot of the debauchery in case you missed the previous one.

Red Solo Cup

Note that they are using...

Daily Dog Challenge "132. It's Complementary - Make a photo of two complimentary objects today."

... cleaner and rag to tidy up in the shot up top.

After that, Henry drew the short straw and had to tackle the additional chore of shearing his...

Scavenge Challenge March 2012 - "1. Cute critter of the month: March comes in like a lion, goes out like a lamb. Your choice!"

... little lamb.

Sheep Shearing

I'm sure they both would have rather been outside enjoying the...

Scavenge Challenge March 2012 - "15. Photograph an abundance, i.e., many of a single type of subject en masse."

... of flowers on the flowering plum.


-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. love the first set of photos.. after a night of party, reality hits you with a wet washcloth !

  2. party on boys!..too bad you had to clean up though!!!..those red solo cups can get you into a whole lotta trouble!!

  3. Clean up is always the challenge boys. Great shots.

  4. I can't even start on how much I love both yesterday's and today's pictures! I laughed until I coughed up a lung. The whole thing was brilliant, including the lamb! I bow to your powers of creativity!

  5. Hey Henry, Hey Zachary, Jet here. Your human is sooo talented with that camera thingie. You capture the challenges to a "C"! Mom loves the cleaning photo... dudes, you're gonna give her ideas...

    Have a great day.
