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Friday, March 2, 2012

The Dog Den

The Dog Den

Dog Blog Post #614: Today's Daily Dog Challenge threw me for a moment:

122. Swag - We all have some sort of dog swag -- a bumper sticker that says "My Greyhound is smarter than your honor student" or a stuffed dog that looks like one of or own. Take a picture of some of your dog swag today!


But after consulting with the Challenge Selection Committee (and checking out the Urban Dictionary) I think I had it straight.

I hope.

Alas, unlike certain greyhound owners we all know and love, the boys don't really have a lot of swag.


I have printer.
I have friends who enjoy seeing hardcopy of the boys.
I have years worth of those hardcopies stuck in a file folder.


I give you the boys' Man Cave - or, as they prefer, their Dog Den - surrounded by their swag.

A few favorite toys made an appearance as well, to satisfy...

Our Daily Challenge - Mar. 1, 2012 - "Rubber"

... as the light blue tug toy and the Lacrosse Balls are all made from rubber.


112 Pictures in 2012 - "#14. Sign"

… and Zachary is probably smarter than many an Honor Student!

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I LOVED how your dog cave pictures turned out! The boys look so happy and comfortable, too. I love how you worked the rubber in, too. What a coincidence that we both ended up with a 112 Sign, too! That cracked me up!

    I'm betting that your element for today isn't mud! *ducks and runs*

  2. Love the dog cave. Of course now all the dogs will want one.

  3. Now this is deluxe! Thought of you when I saw this post on Pretty Fluffy...beautiful Golden pictures. http://prettyfluffy.com/2012/03/smitten-shots-very-vivi/.

  4. I love the doggy den! Might have to get mommy to make one for me!!

    Doggy Kisses,

  5. LOL, I love the man cave. Ya, greyhound people tend to collect swag like crazy.

    I'm afraid I wouldn't have enough megapixels to hold all of ours. :o)))
