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Friday, March 2, 2012

Earth, Wind and Fire

Earth, Wind and Fire

Dog Blog Post #615: The Daily Dog Challenge of...

123. It's Elemental - Show us your dog with one or more of the four natural elements today (air, fire, earth and water). Feel free to be creative and create an element if time or weather is working against you!


Our Daily Challenge - March 2, 2012 - "Earth, Wind or Fire"

... produced the shots above and below.

Earth, Wind and Fire

With WIND in their fur, and the giant FIRE ball in the sky shining down upon them, Zachary and Henry gallop across the EARTH.

Well, Zachary (back - with Lacrosse Ball) is galloping. Henry's moving along at an easy trot.


Scavenge Challenge March 2012 - "14. Show how the seasons are beginning to turn in your area."

While the flowering plum is doing it's thing (pink) the flowering pears (the naked tree in the middle of the shot) is showing nary a bud.

In some years they bloom at the same time, creating quite the sight.

THESE shots were just for the heck of it...

A Golden Retriever
Mr. Zachary - a truly Golden retriever

Earth Dog
Henry probably wishes the ground had a bit less EARTH showing and a touch more grass.

And THESE are left overs from yesterday's Dog Den shots...

The Dog Den

The Dog Den
Henry: "What do you mean, 'Clean up your room???'"

The Dog Den

And finally for Scavenge Challenge March 2012, we have "23. Show us a glimpse of your workspace, whether at home or on the job."

My "Studio"

That is the dining room.

At least, that's what the floor plan called it.

In reality, it's my photography studio, hubby & son's staging area for pre-hike packing and preparation, the best (and only!) spot for the Christmas tree when St. Nick arrives, the wrestling room for the boys, the home of the way-to-big organ that I can't bring myself to part with, and (today) their Dog Den.

This is the first time I've tried putting the two tri-fold backboards side-by-side and raised up on the ex-pen to gain height. Usually they are clipped one above to create a solid, although narrower, mass. Next time I'll put a sheet behind the fabric!

-- Like the idea of a daily prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Beautiful shots as always. And I like your lighting set up. I wish I had one of those.

  2. Hey, it's Jet here. Gorgeous pics, didn't realize you had such a great set up.

    Mom said to share that she's partial to goldens, (my first sister, Koko, now JJ, member of Golden Rescue South Florida, grew up with goldens at Aunt's house, etc... so your pictures always make her kvel (yiddush word for awwwwww with a smile in your heart.)

  3. There is always one room in the house that turns into the everything room for everyone, right! The pics certainly got the point acrossed that your are so far ahead of us weather wise...please Mr. Weather give us a break. Enjoyed the post and enjoy your w/e!!!!

  4. You're getting the change of seasons much earlier than we are here! I love your flowering tree!

    I am also SO envious of your work space!

  5. Hi Y'all,

    Love the springtime shots. Our azaleas are blooming too. Wish we had a few more early flowering trees on our property.

    Just hopped by to catch up on your happenings and say hello! Have a great weekend!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog
